Project Plans

A good plan goes a long way towards achieving the goal

Project plans

A good plan goes a long way towards the goal

Although every project is unique by definition, the approach to planning and executing projects is subject to established standards or best practices . In principle, these standards can all be mapped into project plan templates.

In practice however, when creating a new project plan from a template in Project for the Web, not all the information stored in the project tasks are transferred to the new plan. For example, resources assigned to the tasks are not transferred.

Mit PMO4Teams können Sie Ihre Projektplanvorlagen mit rollenbasierten Ressourcen anlegen und in den neu erstellten Projektplänen übernehmen. Sobald feststeht welcher Mitarbeiter welche Rolle im Projekt übernimmt, kann die generische, rollen-basierte Ressource im Projektplan mühelos durch die echte Ressource ersetzt werden.

Although every project is unique by definition, the approach to planning and executing projects is subject to established standards or best practices . In principle, these standards can all be mapped into project plan templates.

In practice however, when creating a new project plan from a template in Project for the Web, not all the information stored in the project tasks are transferred to the new plan. For example, resources assigned to the tasks are not transferred.

With PMO4Teams, you can create your project plan templates with role-based resources and transfer them to the newly created project plans. As soon as it is clear which employee will take on which role in the project, the generic, role-based resource in the project plan can be easily replaced by the real resource.

Additional Features of PMO4Teams

Additional functions in 


Record and track the changes in your project



Record and track open issues in your project



Identify and evaluate the risks in your project



Plan and control the costs of your project effectively


Project Room

Fully equipped project room for your project

Go to project room 

Project Website

Ready to use communication platform for your project

Go to project website 

Project Calendar

Group calendar containing all scheduled project meetings and events

Go to project calendar 

Project Controlling

Dashboard with performance indicators and custom reports

Go to project controlling 

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